Post an atheismsucks review

I forgot, please welcome Terry Pritchard, he came over to help. He's the one responsible for the new header. Oh yeah he's got a site. Anyway...

Hey we got our heads together and thought we'd ask you guys to send in atheismsucks reviews. We'll post em up big and permanent, that way when you type in "atheismsucks review" into google you get it at the top. Hey we'll even take positive reviews, really! We think the more atheismsucks gets the exposed, much like a roach, it will run and hide. Terry has provided the one on the right sidebar thing, we'll put yours there.

Ok, here's his site: Beat Mother Theresa!


  1. Frank Walton said...

    Wow, this webpage is looking great! The best part is the graphic. Good job, Ted Bell. Keep mentioning my name, buddy!  

  2. Anonymous said...

    Here's one.

    "atheismsucks, I think I've said it all."  

  3. Anonymous said...

    You guys can use anything you want from this Frank Walton review here:

    Also this post about Frank Walton and the information should be reposted on this site! Do it bitches! :P

    Or as Frank Walton might say, Go fuck yourself and die or I'll kill you!  

  4. Anonymous said...

    I love how Frank pretends to like this site. Moron.  

  5. Anonymous said...

    Here's mine:
    I admire Frank for sticking to his guns and staying consistent. Yeah he bit off a bit too much with the "Atheismsucks we put the non Christian on the defense". But hey, he's hung in there.
    He ain't gonna win any awards, but he's trying. It's good for kids to be involved in religion, it keeps them in good company. Franks alright.  

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  8. Anonymous said...

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